Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Their email is not working

Trivial, I know, maybe even "catty" on my part, but GCFN's email service is not working at he moment.

So I sent them this ticket.




I just went to check this account and discovered it's not working.

Will it be back soon?

Please advise.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

The Best Advertising For Your Dollar:??? -- GCFN article title

Well you know, Dear Reader, that I am totally
peeved with this "Company", as it shows all the
hallmarks of a scam/con at worst and over-priced
at best. This is the beginning of stage 2.

This is totally aimed at very new Internet
marketers, hence, those worthy of being
ripped-off: Like taking candy from a baby!

That's a disgusting attitude to take, but one they
take very well.

I plan on publishing all their articles, for which
republishing rights to them, I paid $US 1,431.00:
Way overpriced.

I am not a newbie, yet that's how persuasive their
sales system is.

I was well-and-truly ripped off.

BTW: I've kept all the typos and other errors in
these articles to show their lack of care.

Enjoy! (I know, I know: I'm a sarcastic bar

PS I will place some comments at the bottom


The Best Advertising for Your Dollar: Newspaper, Radio or TV? How To Tell Which is Best

All business owners are eventually confronted with a serious dillema -- how
to advertise, in which medium, and which is the best deal for each dollar

Do newspaper ads outpull radio spots -- or is the power of television the
only way to go? The answer is different for each business, each situation,
each location and each product.

The following are the pros and cons of each medium. Knowing these can help
you decide which medium is right for advertising your product.


The Good:

* It's fast. An ad in a magazine may take three months to break. A
newspaper ad can come out the next day. If you need business fast, this is

* Newspapers have wide array of editorial topic selcition to match what
you are advertising. For example, if you are selling car parts, you cac
place your ad in the paper's automotive section, or have it placed next to
news stories about cars. Newspaper also have international news, local
news, etc., all of which help you focus your advertising effort.

* You get a lot of room, if you need it. Remmeber, long copy always sells
better than short copy. The broad area of a newspaper page is ideal for
long copy.

* Newspapers can insert your catalog, flyer or whatever preprinted
matreials you might have.

* You can use them to distribute reader response items, such as coupons,
contest entry forms, surveys, and other such things.

* Radio advertising is sometimes called "invisible ink." That because it
is gone as soon as it is broadcast. With a newspaper, you can give the
customer something to clip, or something they may see a second time if they
read the newspaper a second time.

* Nespaper can reach large numbers of people, depending on circulation.
Lage urban dailies, for example, may easily reach 1 or 2 million potential
buyers overnight.

* They are available nationally, regionally, or locally.

* Newspaper allow you to reach possible nonreaders who might be part of
your secondary target audience.

* Tend to be cheaper than other media, depending on a number of variables.

* Newspaper ads are easier to produce, and thus less costly. A TV ad, for
example, may require special effects, actors, video footage, etc.

* Newspaper are good for repeat exposure, a vital element of effective
advretising. Readers need to see something an average of six to eight
times before they "see" an ad or respond to it.

* Newspaper can reach people who othrewise have little access to other media.

* Many people buy newspaper not for the news, but to find out what's on
sale today, or what's happening today. Movie ads are a prime example.

* They have better local market penetration than magazines.

* You have more options in terms of space and unusual ad configurations

* You can use dealer listings.

The Bad:

* Newspaper tend to charge relatively high-cost premiums for less than
full-run purchases.

* They are flat, and more than literally. In other words, they don't beep,
squeek, blast and make noise and colorful moving images as do radio and TV

* Do not have the reach other media forms, such as national magazines.

* Are not conducive to last minute changes beause of tight printing schedules.

* Newspapers do not produce as high a frequency level as other media forms.

* Large space ads are very expensive and their longevity is fleeting.

* Ads in newspaper tend to compete heavily with other ads on the page.
Clutter is not good for your ad, but in a newspaper, their is usually a lot
of clutter

* Use of color is crappy, and does not equal that of magazine color quality.

* Tend to deliver only an adult audience. If you have products targeted at
teens or even college students, a newspaper probably won't reach these

* Newspaper are usually only viewed by one person at a time.


The good:

* Radio offers a wide array of formats which can reach listeners during a
specific state of mind, which can complement a specific advertising
message. Many people listen to radio while driving to and from work, other
listen in the evening while relaxing next to a cozy fire.

* Delivers your message to everyone in the room or car at the same time.

* In fast. Your ad could be heard the next day if production is available,
ad copy is written and studio time is available.

* Radio advertising is intrusive -- it butts in on your listening, and your
only opiton is to listen or chage the channel, (or shut it off!)

* Reaches a national, regional or local audience.

* Can be effectively targeted to consumer segments, such as teen-agers vs.
seniors, or men vs. women.

* Can be repated often, thus driving the message home. Once again,
repeition is the heart of effective advertising.

* Radio ads can be heard 24 hours a day.

* Radio can reach people as they are on their way to the store. Messages
delivered just prior to actual shopping are very powerful.

* Tends to be cheaper per announcement than either TV or print, and in fact, is probably the most cost efficient of all media.

* Uses "theater of the mind." Radio uses voice and sound effects to conjur
up images in the listener's mind by engaging the human imagination. This
can be more powerful than any pre-developed TV image or still photograph.

* Reaches people who do not like to read newspaper or magazine, or people
who do not view outdoor mediums, such as billboards, and those who do not
like TV.

The Bad:

* Most people have the radio on "for noise." That is, they are usually
otherwise engaged with something while listening, and often are only

* Repetition is more important to overcome general lack of attention on
behalf of the listener, and thus, you have to spend more for more spots,
which can make up for the lower cost.

* Makes it difficult for the listener to take physical action as a result
of the advertising message. For eample, most listeners do not have a pen
in hand when they hear an 800 number to call or an address to remember.

* You generally need more up-front money to buy up the large number of
spots you need to get the job done.

* Is not visual, and many people retain better what they can see than what
they hear. Also does not move, another aspect of captugring vidual


The Good:

* Is usually in vivid exciting color, and color is a prime motivator of the
human mind.

* Uses all elements of sight, sound and movement at once to form a powerful
package that hits on all level of human senses (except touch and smell).

* Can deliver your message to all people in a room simultaneously.

* Is fast, but not as fast as newspaper or radio because it tends to
require more production.

* Like radio it is intrusive. The customer does not have to seek out the
ad, like they must to find a movie listing or a rummage sale. The ad comes
to the viewer.

* Available nationally, regionally, or locally.

* Television ads can be purchased to focus on concentrated geographical
areas, especially with the adventof cable.

* Has a wide variety of programming to match the nature or subject matter
of your ad. Want to sell rock-n-roll CDs? Buy ads during Beavis and
Butthead or Melrose Place. Want to sell feminine hygiene products? Buy
time suring soap operas.

* TV has more reach than any other medium in terms of all segments of
society. Just about evreyone watches TV, but not everyone reads newspapers
or magazines.

* Is good for repepetition of ads.

* TV can deliver your ad at any time of the day, 24 hours a day.

* You can get an exclusive, that is, your ad need not compete with a
clutter of other ads -- but you may have to pay dearly for it.

* Tends to be more cost efficient in terms of number of responses it
produces compared to dollars invested.

* Is probably best for reaching those people who tend not to use any other
form of media.

The Bad:

* Most often is very cluttered. your commerical may be sandwhiched deep
within a string of other commericals, which have long since caused the
viewer to head to the refrigerator. Also weakens long-term memory of your
product message.

* Is sometimes hard to get. There are usually a limited number of TV spots
available, and you may not get the program you want.

* Is perhaps the most expensive. There are a lot of production costs
related to TV advertising.

* May be less demographically selective as some other media forms, although
cable TV has helped in this category.

* Your audience can fluctuate widely. If 10,000 people see your ad one
night, a mere 100 might see it the next if a high-interest program airs on
another channel.

* TV is cost-inefficient when you are after highly focused target markets.

* VCRs are helping TV ads get beyond the "invisible ink" proplem of
broadcast media. A taped program may be viewed again and again -- on the
other hand, your commerical may be fast forwarded.


The Good:

* Magazines offer a wide variety of subject matter and editorial focuses to
reach readers when they have a state of mind you are looking for. Thus,
you can tailor your message to a high degree of specificity.

* Magazines have glossy, polished paper that makes color photographs and
other graphic elements look like works of art. You ad will look superb.
(That doesn't mean it will sell, however!)

* Can reach very specific target markets without having to waste time or
money on markets you do not care about.

* Like newspaper, you can have long copy. Full or even multiple page ages
let you make a pretty long and detailed pitch. Do people really read all
that fine print? Yes! If you have their attention and interest.

* You can insert your catalog, card, flyer or whatever into the magazine.

* Like newspapers, they allow you to include reader response materials,
such as coupons, entry or order forms, and more.

* They are not disappearing ink. In fact, magazine are even better on this
count that newspapers because people are much more likley to re-read or go
over a magazine a second time. Many people even collect magazines or go
through them for research in the library, giving your ad the chance to be
seen again and again.

* Can reach a huge audience, easily in the millions with the bigger zines.

* Magazines allow for a breathtaking array of creative options: pop-ups,
special inks, holograms, unusual space configurations, personalizing
elements for each reader of the publication, etc.

* They have national, regional and local reach.

* Magazine ads can reach specific demographic segments within the total
readership of the magazine. That's because most magazines have departments
and areas of specific topic or subject matter, helping you to target your

* Magazine ads can reach possible nonreaders who might be part of an
advertiser's secondary target audience.

* Because they are more highly focused and need less repetition, as in
radio, they can actually be more cost effective than any other media form.

* Frequency of exposure is high, as we said, because magazines are often
read more than once and by more than one person. Also, they may read other
similar magazines you have targeted for your ads.

* May reach people that other media do not. Many people prefer to read
magazines to newspapers, for example.

* Magazines can accommodate your listings.

The Bad:

* One of the biggest drawbacks is the long period before you buy the ad and
when it appears. A magazine ad may take three to four months before it
appears. If you need fast cash and customers, this is no help. Also, a
reader may not get to his or her magazine right away upon receiving it.

* Tend to be expensive for one-time runs.

* Do not offer sound of movement, although some cutting edge ads, such as
pop-ups or those with micro-chip intsertions are breaching this drawback.
These are mega-expensive, however.

* Because they are more highly focused, they have less reach, which many do
not consider a drawback.

* You must submit your final copy and ad prep many months before deadline.
Some magazines have a fast close, and other will call up repeat advertisers
with last minute deals, often because they have space to fill or when
others back out at the last minute.

* Although once they start printing, you cannot backout. Generally, once
you buy a magazine ad, you are locked in no matter what. Refunds are rare.

* You do not get high frequency unless you buy an entire year's worth, but
then readers will see them about once a month for most magazines.

* You only get exposure to one person at a time, as opposed to a whole room
or call-full as in radio or TV.


The Good:

* You get superior quality color on high quality paper, allowing for
effective product presentation, if you are willing to pay top dollar.

* Great for insertions. You know the way it is with all Sunday papers and
magazines -- lots of extras which many readers actually buy the publication
for in the first place. Many people live to scan and clip coupons.

* You get ample opportunity for long copy. Sunday magazines are among the
best place to make a long, detailed ptich.

* As we said, people love to clip coupons, and this is the place people
will most likley use any kind of special insertion, from coupons to
sweepstakes, contests or surveys.

* Have better chance of repeat exposure to your ad than newspapers or
magazines. People tend to hang onto the Sunday paper longer and also give
it a better read because they are more relaxed and have more time on Sunday
to linger over the paper.

* Can reach large numbers of people in a short time.

* You can get very creative, as you can with magazines. This means
pop-ups, specials inks, scratch-and-sniff -- even insertion of product

* Distribution of the advertisement to possible nonreaders who might be
part of an advertiser's secondary target audience.

* Because of high readership and better repetition factor, can be a good
deal for the your scarce advertising dollar.

* Production costs for your ad will be less than all other media, except
for newspaper.

* Can reach people who do not ordinarily read newspapers or pay attention
to other media. Many consider the Sunday papre "special."

* You get immediate delicery to entire audience -- even millions of people
-- in just oen day.

* They can have national, regionaly, or local distribution, although
national is less likely with mst Sundays, except the real biggies, such as
the New York Times.

* Sunday publications have higher penetration and greater readership
locally than do competing publications or other media.

* You can use dealer listings.

The Bad:

* Ads do not force themselves on reader as in radio or TV. In other words,
they are nonintrusive.

* No sound or movement in general.

* Usually require advertising materials well in advance of issue date.
Some even have longer lead time time than magazines.

* Relatively inflexible for accommodating last minute changes. Most Sunday
ads are set in stone after you issue a check. You won't get a refund.

* Frequency is lacking because they only come out on Sundays, and people
don't make connections from one Sunday to the next, in most cases.

* Are extremely expensive if you want national or regional coverage.

* Large space ads are very expensive and they are here today and gone
tomorrow most of the time.

* Again, they are relatively short-lived, and quickly end up lining a bird
cage or wrapping a fish.

* Are not good for delivering ad messages to young people: teens, young
adults and children.

* Most often only expose ad to one person at a time, unlike radio or TV,
which can deliver a message to a roomful of people all at once.

There you have it. Based on what you have learned above, you should now be
in a better position to decide which medium is best for your business,
product or service.

Of course, the only perfect way to make a final decision is through test
marketing with each medium. You can do that by starting out with small,
inexpensive adds in each medium. Those that bring the best results deserve
to get your future business and a larger share of your advertising dollar.
Good Luck!


Most new Internet marketers will probably not have
the money to use these media, at least initially.
So to have this on a web site for newbies, in my
view, is just fluff. Due to the cost of this type
of advertising I anticipate these media to be
useful once the new enterprise is up and running,
and that having been the case for a few years at

But I could be wrong.

Decide for yourself.

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Update to THE saga

Since my last entry on October 9, 2010, I called GCFN a few times and after about 20-minutes or so I had to leave a message.

While their recorded message is they will return the call, surprisingly (not) they didn't return mine.

Can you see now why I can only consider them a scam and not a real legitimate business? No matter how distasteful it may be, a legitimate business will contact their customers and give support. That's simply the decent thing to do. Any business that doesn't support their customers and clients should not be in business as they show their only interest is profit and not service.

Keep watching this space for stage two.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ring, ring, doesn't go the bell

Greetings Dear Readers,

Two days after my last post: two days after their
last phone call to me.

No call today.

Did my latest support ticket upset them?

Who knows.

But this is what I wrote.

Bye for now,


08 Oct 2010 04:02 PM
I had expected a phone call from Chris this
morning (my time), but as yet, 7.01 AM Perth,
Western Australia time, no call.

I also noticed you had closed the ticket.

Was that because of my entry of two days ago?

Are you trying to think up a nice argument to
refute my claims?

Put it in the hands of your legal-eagles, maybe?

Don't bother! Just refund my money: $US1869.95.

Andreas Krokene.

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Global Cash Flow Network tedium continues

Before we go any further with this post, an update
from yesterdays debacle.

Here are the further support correspondences.
Enjoy the read.

05 Oct 2010 10:35 AM
We apologize. This was for another account.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

05 Oct 2010 10:36 AM
Please contact our support department at
1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting  
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!


As requested in the second message I called them
and was told someone with slightly higher
seniority would call me the following morning.

Great, I thought, Finally movement on a much
deserved refund from these sharks.

Not so fast, sonny-boy. Read on for details.

Global Cash Flow Network's Chris did call me this
morning (as arranged) in sunny and slightly cool
suburban Perth, Western Australia.

To be blunt, I was not impressed with the call as
it did not address the matter of a refund, which
is what I understood the call would be about. No
refund was mentioned, but Chris said he would
review the recorded signup process to see what was
agreed to by all parties, and get back to me in a
couple of days.

Not a good sign. I read this as a delaying tactic,
something used by dishonest businesses, and not
honourable ones. Honourable businesses do exist
you may be surprised to hear: But that's another
story for another time.

Anyway, read what I just fired off to them and
decide for yourself if I'm barking up the wrong
tree or not. Back shortly!


06 Oct 2010 08:12 PM
After Chris (McDonald?) phoned me this morning (my
time) I started thinking about what he had said
and realised he had also totally ignored what I
had written in my previous support tickets. For
someone who was calling to discuss my refund, this
was totally unacceptable. Didn't the previous
"support" staffer advise the details of my
complaint? Shouldn't Chris have read my tickets to
appraise himself of the situation? Or was this
call just part of the delaying technique that
dishonest companies use? By using this tactic
Global Cash Flow Network and Mary Gersten show
themselves both personally and professionally of
being untrustworthy, and not deserving to be in
business in an honest society.

Hence, whatever Chris replies with in regard to my
joining on April 21, 2010 will be totally
irrelevant as Global Cash Flow Network and its
support staff have disregarded what I have written
in my support tickets after the initial ones, and
therefore Global Cash Flow Network and Mary
Gersten have reneged on our agreement to support
me in this programme.

Chris also mentioned that to be eligible for a
refund after 12-months I would need to prove that
I had submitted ads in 12 different formats
(one/month), which detail I cannot recall as ever
having been made clear. But even if I did agree to
this condition, this is still irrelevant as GCFN
and Mary Gersten did not provide proper support in
the Certified Media Placement Specialist (CMPS)
training. Again, READ THE SUPPORT TICKETS! And
read your replies; all of them!

Going on your past non-performance in reading my
support tickets correctly, and the fact that Mary
Gersten personally has still not called me
(although such call was promised via Skye Brodeur
- again read the support tickets!), I very much
doubt any one in GCFN support will read to this
point, either. Or Mary Gersten, too for that

Decent people engaging in honest business do not
treat their paying clients so shabbily as Global
Cash Flow Network has treated me. You absolutely
disgust me. You are nothing but thieves and liars.
All of you. Sharks swim with sharks.

I won't wish you a good day, as that would be
hypocritical of me.

Andreas Krokene.


What do you think?

Am I right or wrong?

I don't enjoy this method of doing business
anywhere, but crooks make this necessary.

I would much rather be in a conciliatory
situation, but sharks and crooks don't act in a
conciliatory manner.
Until the next phase, bye for now.


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

$14,300 or $1,430: What's in a zero? Or is the reply even for me?

Could this saga be nearly at an end?

Has the fat lady sung?

A number of phone calls have been made recently; a
number of support tickets submitted. But I'm not
sure if they've given me the right response.

If it is then it will be a matter of Party! Party!

But I don't think so!

I think Global Cash Flow Network's staffer put one
(1) too many 0's in the response.

What's your take?

Here goes: Have a read and a chuckle, or a cry.
The reply may not have been for me! Boo-hoo.

04 Oct 2010 07:53 AM

It's obvious you do not respect your clients and
are not prepared tot talk to them when they call.
Hence, I will call again in a few hours time.

This advance notice will give you ample time to
read everything that I've written.

Andreas Krokene.

04 Oct 2010 10:11 AM
This has been assigned to an agent and you will be
contacted as soon as possible.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

04 Oct 2010 12:51 PM
The refund was processed on 08/09/10 in the amount
of $14,300 which is the amount that you agreed too
with our quality agent on 08/04/10. This matter is
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

04 Oct 2010 03:16 PM
"The refund was processed on 08/09/10 in the
amount of $14,300 which is the amount that you
agreed too with our quality agent on 08/04/10.
This matter is closed.

Is this some sort of joke?

I received no such offer and agreement at any

Or have you confused me with someone else?

What games are you playing with me?

Andreas Krokene.


I'd hate to think this was another attempt at
fooling me, if such is the case.

I'll keep you posted.

Bye for now,


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receive consideration for the promotion of a
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non-tangible compensation.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

GCFN and my call to them

Well, two calls, actually, in my latest post to
this blog since Friday August 13, 2010.

You see my recorder on the first call stopped
after 14-minutes and 31-seconds, killing the call.
I got another recorder. GCFN killed the call after
about about 22-minutes on the second call. In all,
I was on the phone for about 37-minutes.

I left a voice mail on the second call, followed
by another support (what a misnomer!) ticket. here
is the text of that ticket.

I demand my money back -- MARY GERSTEN PERSONALLY

Posted On: 21 Sep 2010 04:36 PM

I called this morning (my time -- your Tuesday
afternoon) and was forced to leave a voice

I do not expect you will call as you have proven
to be liars: I was promised by Skye Brodeur that
Mary Gersten would call me, but that didn't
happen. Liars.

You DO NOT read support tickets correctly and
answer as required: read what I've said and then
how you've replied.

My time zone is 15-hours ahead of yours, so, IF

You have shown yourself only interested in getting
money out of people and NOT actually giving
support for your over-priced and deceptive
business. READ THE TICKETS and my blog for

Andreas Krokene.


Am I still wasting my time?

Not really, as the way I see it they have ripped
me off with bad support, misread my tickets (if
they even read them well in the first place and
have lied to me. Mary Gersten never called me back
as one staffer said she would.

So even more now I'm determined to get this money
back that they falsely got by, what I consider to
be, misleading advertising. They use very
believable sales talk that I can usually pick up
as man-cow manure.

The ad I responded to really seemed genuine.

They won't fool me like that and get away with it.

I'll keep you posted.


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Friday, August 13, 2010

Global Cash Flow Network Be Damned!

Global Cash Flow Network Be Damned!

That's not too strong language to express my
disgust with these mongrels. Mary Gersten has had
plenty of time to call me, so it looks like I have
no choice but to vent via phone and get them
really upset with me.

I want my money back. I do NOT trust Global Cash
Flow Network and Mary Gersten at all, and I
recommend you have nothing to do with them.

In that vein: Today I removed the affiliate links
to THEIR BUSINESS sites as I cannot, in all
conscience, recommend them.

They still have not answered a very simple
question, one that might even be considered a
trivial question, but for me was important. And
that's the crux of my non-trust. Any company that
doesn't answer all support questions should be
considered untrustworthy.

I'll keep you posted.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"And the war drags on..." Donovon, 1960's singer/songwriter

This is getting tiring. Mary Gersten STILL has not

I will have to bite the bullet and call, rant and
rave UNTIL I get my money back. This is not
pleasant, and NOT the way decent people do
business, is it?

What do you think? Am I being too harsh, or am I
dealing with criminals?

Over to you.

Posted On: 13 Jul 2010 11:12 PM

You Close: I Open. When will Mary reply to me. Or
is her non-reply her way of saying, "Get lost. I
have a business to run"? But you have my money,
and in the beginning I simply want simple
answers/comments to my questions/observations.

Or doesn't GCFN/Mary Gersten understand English?

Or aren't you trained to think/think outside the

I will not go away, except when you refund all my

Andreas Krokene.

PS I don't like being ripped off.

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010 and surprise, surprise NO answer

Do you hate being invisible?

I  certainly do.

Here are the continuing updates for July 2 and 10
(US time).

Global Cash Flow Network and Mary Gersten seem not
to think that I am important enough to answer.

But my money was good enough to take!

Stay tuned.
Posted On: 02 Jul 2010 06:28 PM

I just answered my own question. The link at
http://globalcashflownetwork.com/hold only works
on Internet Explorer and NOT Firefox. I had
assumed that your site would work on ALL browsers.
Firefox is a more secure browser than IE. The
answer to my original advice should have been that
I needed to use IE only, NOT making sure I had the
right player!

So much for support!

Having said that, RealPlayer advises me "Requested
file not found. The link you followed may be
outdated or innaccurate."

I just you would like to know.

Andreas Krokene.


Posted On: 10 Jul 2010 05:05 PM
I still await your reply to my questions. Mary has
not contacted me yet.


The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Friday, July 2, 2010

"Make it a great day!" Laughable

Mary Gersten's Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN) and
their Certified Media Placement Specialist (CMPS)
course is, in my opinion, a scam, and their
signature of "Make it a great day!" is a complete

I got a reply from GCFN's Skye today and in it
this is what she said:

Hello Andreas.  Mary has been given your message.
Given her position with the company she is a very
busy woman with the various aspects of running the
company which is why we have a support department
to assist students.  She wanted me to let you know
she will get back with you as soon as she possibly

Now, this seems to me as though my paid ($US
1869.95) membership is considered by this mongrel
mob as totally trivial, and that upsets me
because, not only am I not getting appropriate
answers to my tickets, but I'm being fobbed off as
being irrelevant. You will see what I mean in a
minute when you read my reply to their latest

I PAID GOOD MONEY, and I continue to pay interest
on the credit card, too.

But they seem to think that my tickets don't

They do!

A lesson I learned when about 18-years-old was
that a business is only as good as the people it

Which means, if you don't employ conscientious
people, then your business will suffer. This is
what I think is happening here.

What do you think?

Here's my reply to GCFN.

"Make it a great day!"


Let me clarify things from my point of view and
comment on your latest email to me.

"Given her position with the company she is a very
busy woman with the various aspects of running the
company which is why we have a support department
to assist students."

Firstly, bottom line: This supposed "support"
system has not worked in my case as my original
ticket was not answered, evidenced by the fact
that what I raised was not covered. An irrelevant
reply was made, that's all, followed up by a call
where the same party didn't even have the answers
to my question and comment. He wanted to know if
he could answer what I raised in the ticket. His
timing did not suit me, that's why I prefer emails
and support tickets.

Secondly: With the to-ing and fro-ing of support
tickets and email, not one of the "support" team
has had the nous to go back and actually read what
I originally raised, which leads me to think that
once you had my money, you were not interested in
actually giving support for the $US1,830.00 + $US
39.95 shipping you charged me. That you are little
APPROPRIATELY. Is that too much to ask? It looks
like it is, to me.

You have a contractual obligation to me, which you
are not living up to.

If you do not want to live up to your contractual
SHIPPING. This amount is $US 1869.95

Refund the money and we'll call it quits. I will
then leave you alone.

I demand THIS Ticket be given to Mary immediately.

She has problems with her "support" team.

You do NOT want me to call you.

I am livid with the shabby way you have treated

I won't say, "Make it a great day!" That is so
meaningless in the context of these tickets and

Andreas Krokene.


PS Ed Magedson seems to be back in business at

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A mob of mongrels -- Global Cash Flow Network and Mary Gersten

A new ticket has just been submitted, copy below.

I am heartily sick of this mob of mongrels.
What justification could they possibly have for
not answering my easy questions, especially since
Mary Gersten's Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN) is
an Internet training company for newbies?

I see a daily barrage will now be in order.

Even rude and offensive phone calls on my part.

Is that ALL GCFN understands?


Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only -- Reprise
3 -- Not For Staff Attention


I will not go away.

I see Mary's friend Ed Magedson is no longer
online with his ripoffreport.com

I do not like to be treated so disrespectfully and

This ticket, also, will be placed on my blog


Andreas Krokene


Skye Brodeur
 to me
show details Jun 18 (12 days ago)
You're message will be given to Mary.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
International: 1-888-719-2030
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UHR-438264
Department: General
Priority: Critical
Status: Open

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

http://cmpshelpdesk.com renewed

Is there anymore that needs to be said?

This domain has been renewed.

I guess that means I won't be getting it.

But, still, Mary Gersten has not answered me.

What do you conclude from this?

Here's the email to confirm Mary would get my


Skye Brodeur to me
show details Jun 18 (12 days ago)
You're message will be given to Mary.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UHR-438264
Department: General
Priority: Critical
Status: Open

PS  This ticket is now closed, without an answer.

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What does this mean CMPShelpdesk.com not renewed?

Well, People, I went to http://cmpshelpdesk.com/
tonight to check on the progress of my latest
ticket, you know, the one where Global Cash Flow
Network promised that my tickets would be given to
Mary Gersten.

And that Mary Gersten of GCFN hasn't contacted me
... YET!

And I just happened to notice that this help desk
domain name expired on June 28, 2010 with

"You mean that they can't even afford $20.00 or
$30.00 for a couple of years registration?" you
ask me.

And I answer you with, "That seems to be the size
of it. Or maybe it just slipped someone's

So, what did I do?

Simple. I put a bid on it and I'll now wait and
see what happens. If I get it there should be a
ton of traffic for me to get to introduce to an
honourable business. What do you think?

I'll keep you posted on this part.
The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Reprise: Enough Said, sort of!

Four days! And no answer!

What gives?

Search me, because I don't know.

It's really bad when a simple question is asked, a
problem pointed out and a legitimate support query
results in repeated no-answers, which is what this
situation is all about.

In the previous post the information basically was
that my ticket(s) would be given to Mary Gersten
(I think she's the Vice President: I can't
recall!), and yet I would've thought that an early
response to my numerous tickets would've gotten
some sort of Vice Presidential response from
Global Cash Flow Network, don't you think the
same? Hmmmmm? I thought you would agree!

When matters like this aren't answered, especially
on the Internet where stuff stays for years, at
least somewhere, a big bad picture is built up of
the individuals/organisations/companies. People
who come along and do their due diligence will
likely be scared away, hence, it can mean a loss
of business resulting from a bad cumulative
reputation built up over the years.
Well, that's the theory, at least.

I'll keep you posted as matters develop.

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Enough Said

With that said, finally the answer I had been
waiting for.


You're message will be given to Mary.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
International: 1-888-719-2030
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UHR-438264
Department: General
Priority: Critical
Status: Open

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's been 13 days since my last post and I have
not heard back from Mary Gersten or Global Cash
Flow Network (GCFN).

So I logged into my account with them and
discovered that my last ticket has been closed.
And this from a legitimate Internet training
company! The mind boggles.

SO, I have sent Reprise 2; that is the same title,
but where it says Reprise 1 now it reads Reprise

On or about the same day as my last ticket I sent
an email to http://ripoffreport.com/ . Yet as of
writing this post there has been no reply. It
seems that the owner of http://ripoffreport.com/
is one Ed Magedson, who appears to have a rather
dubious history, and seems to be in hiding. Well,
that's what I've read. So one must wonder about
the value of http://ripoffreport.com/ , mustn't

So, without further ado here's the newly submitted
ticket for your reading amusement.



The connection has timed out

The server at www.ripoffreport.com is taking too long to respond.

     *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

    *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

    *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.


Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only
-- Reprise 2 -- Not For Staff Attention


You did not even bother to give me a written reply
to my earlier ticket, Reprise 1.

The simple matter is I asked two (2) very simple,
clearly stated questions of almost trivial
importance, and yet I could not get a correct
answer from you, only an irrelevant on.

That's incredible from a legitimate Internet
training company!

So I am forced to re-submit this ticket and get
you to go back through all the previous tickets to
see what I mean.

I will not simply go away.

Mary: Can I leave this in YOUR PERSONAL CAPABLE
HANDS? This is not for your staff.

Andreas Krokene.

**************** My previous ticket.

I do not consider this matter closed. I DEMAND a
written answer. I have paid you good money, and
you can't even answer my simple questions. Go
through ALL my previous tickets for details.


"Make it a great day!" INDEED!

Kenneth Parker DID call me around 6:00 AM, my time
(not impressed) and did not seem to know what I
had written in any previous emails. He did suggest
that I should specify when I would prefer an email
response. I had mentioned it! Do you really care
about your paying clients, or are you really a con
and a scam? I had hoped not, but I'm not so sure

As for your clean bill of health from The Ripoff
Report: That must also be questioned. Your
sponsorship of the Boys and Girls Club of America
doesn't prove anything either as you could be a
"sponsor" for $100.00 or so.

Mary: Will you actually answer this, or will your
minions (if they know what that means!)?


Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZRU-710106 Department: General
Status: Closed Priority: Critical
Created On: 31 May 2010 05:53 AM Last Update: 31
May 2010 07:47 PM
Edit Properties
Status: Priority:
Andreas Krokene
Posted On: 31 May 2010 05:53 AM
Greetings Mary,

I submitted the ticket "Two matters for your
attention" (refer to your records for details) on
May 25, 2010, and to date I have NOT received a
satisfactory answer.

My questions were easy to understand, the
communication was polite, but still no
satisfactory response from your staff.

The questions I asked may have been beneath your
staff member's dignity to answer, but to me they
are important. Don't they, therefore, require a
respectful and complete answer?

I now must wonder if this is your Company's usual
standard of business, and if this is how you treat
ALL your paying clients.

As part of your suggestion in the training that I
have completed so far, these details are all being
chronicled for anyone who cares to do their due
diligence on my Blogger blog.

You can see the blog at

I trust you can assist me.

If not, then please be decent enough to refund all
my money.

Kindest regards,

Andreas Krokene.

Skye Brodeur
Posted On: 31 May 2010 07:47 PM
Your concern has been forwarded and you will
contacted as soon as possible
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only -- Reprise 1 -- Not For Staff Attention

Yes, Dear Reader, that is the title for my latest
ticket to Mary Gersten's Global Cash Flow Network.
I am working on the basis that the squeaky wheel
gets the oil, and being a cracked record gets

And, yes, I am angry. Wouldn't you be if you were
in my situation. $US 1,830.00 + $US 35.95 out of
pocket, and nothing of honourable consequence to
show for it.

What follows is my ticket. Enjoy and Make it a
great day!
I do not consider this matter closed. I DEMAND a written answer. I have paid you good money, and you can't even answer my simple questions. Go through ALL my previous tickets for details.


"Make it a great day!" INDEED!

Kenneth Parker DID call me around 6:00 AM, my time (not impressed) and did not seem to know what I had written in any previous emails. He did suggest that I should specify when I would prefer an email response. I had mentioned it! Do you really care about your paying clients, or are you really a con and a scam? I had hoped not, but I'm not so sure anymore.

As for your clean bill of health from The Ripoff Report: That must also be questioned. Your sponsorship of the Boys and Girls Club of America doesn't prove anything either as you could be a "sponsor" for $100.00 or so.

Mary: Will you actually answer this, or will your minions (if they know what that means!)?


    Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only

Ticket Details
Ticket ID:     ZRU-710106     Department:     General
Status:     Closed     Priority:     Critical
Created On:     31 May 2010 05:53 AM     Last Update:     31 May 2010 07:47 PM
Edit Properties
Status:         Priority:   
Andreas Krokene     
    Posted On: 31 May 2010 05:53 AM
Greetings Mary,

I submitted the ticket "Two matters for your attention" (refer to your records for details) on May 25, 2010, and to date I have NOT received a satisfactory answer.

My questions were easy to understand, the communication was polite, but still no satisfactory response from your staff.

The questions I asked may have been beneath your staff member's dignity to answer, but to me they are important. Don't they, therefore, require a respectful and complete answer?

I now must wonder if this is your Company's usual standard of business, and if this is how you treat ALL your paying clients.

As part of your suggestion in the training that I have completed so far, these details are all being chronicled for anyone who cares to do their due diligence on my Blogger blog.

You can see the blog at http://globalcashflownetwork-experience.blogspot.com/

I trust you can assist me.

If not, then please be decent enough to refund all my money.

Kindest regards,

Andreas Krokene.

Skye Brodeur     
    Posted On: 31 May 2010 07:47 PM
Your concern has been forwarded and you will contacted as soon as possible
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!
The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yada, yada yesterday. Yawn today.

Just after 6:00 AM today Global Cash Flow Network
called to answer my latest ticket. Do you remember
it? That's the one sent to Mary Gersten
personally. (There existed a sneaky suspicion that
Mary would not see it and this call seems to
confirm it.)

The person who called said my concerns were not
raised in the ticket (remember this ticket
basically complains about the lack of simple
questions asked but not answered by GCFN Support),
and now he was on the line with me would I ask him
the questions. I said, No, as Jaffa (my cat)
wanted breakfast, coffee (albeit instant) needed
to course its way to my heart so the day could
start, and generally there existed an air of
peevishness at my latest ticket being handled by a
minion, and not by Mary Gersten, personally.

Said minion advised that he would be in the office
for about another hour, to which was expected (by
me) an email to my earlier-asked questions (in
previous tickets). No dice!

He also said if an email response was required
that should be mentioned in the support ticket.
(If he'd re-read the previous tickets , he
would've seen that point covered, and he was the
one who personally DID NOT answer the very simple
questions in the first place!)

Now, Dear Reader, you must remember that GCFN is a
global company; its name is Global Cash Flow
Network. As such, shouldn't there be at least some
representation after their normal business hours
to cater for their international client base? Yes?
No? Maybe? Unsure?

There was such promise for this programme to be a
fantastic opportunity, and yet so far, GCFN is
blowing it. GCFN is failing the acid test of
decency and professionalism, in my opinion.

Of course, it could just be me, couldn't it!


The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yada, yada

Once again I bid you good day.

Once again the following, self-explanatory email
from Global Cash Flow Network Support.

I hope this means it went to Mary Gersten,

Once again: Watch this space!

Your concern has been forwarded and you will contacted as soon as possible
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
International: 1-888-719-2030
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZRU-710106
Department: General
Priority: Critical
Status: Open
The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Will this post cause the sky to fall? The saga continues...

How are you all going today in your restless
pursuit of the good life?

I, for one, am in a good space, although this
matter perplexes me to the nth degree.

On to business...

So now it's been a couple of days since receipt of
Global Cash Flow Network's most recent reply to my
latest ticket, and just now my latest plea has
been raised with Mary Gersten herself (assuming
Support passes this message on.)

So my question must be this: Will the sky fall in?
Does Chicken Little still live? Ah! The mysteries
of an abundant life in the Internet world still

As has been stated before: Great hopes were held
for this opportunity. Hence the purchase of said
opportunity. This person is not in the habit of
buying just to raise a ruckus and demand refunds.
And a reasonable person would probably come to a
similar conclusion, don't you think?

Alas, it may not be so.

Stay tuned...

  Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only

Greetings Mary,

I submitted the ticket "Two matters for your attention" (refer to your records for details) on May 25, 2010, and to date I have NOT received a satisfactory answer.

My questions were easy to understand, the communication was polite, but still no satisfactory response from your staff.

The questions I asked may have been beneath your staff member's dignity to answer, but to me they are important. Don't they, therefore, require a respectful and complete answer?

I now must wonder if this is your Company's usual standard of business, and if this is how you treat ALL your paying clients.

As part of your suggestion in the training that I have completed so far, these details are all being chronicled for anyone who cares to do their due diligence on my Blogger blog.

You can see the blog at http://globalcashflownetwork-experience.blogspot.com/

I trust you can assist me.

If not, then please be decent enough to refund all my money.

Kindest regards,

Andreas Krokene.

The blogger attached to this link may or may not receive consideration for the promotion of a product or service. Consideration may be cash, discounts, merchandise, services or other non-tangible compensation.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Further to May 26, 2010 Report: Will it ever end?

Well, today I got another reply, which makes me
ask the question: Does Global Cash Flow Network
read the emails they get from their clients?

I mean, when you read Global Cash Flow Network's
reply (please refresh your memory by reading
previous posts) you will see that my questions are
NOT answered.

Is this any way to treat a paying client? Is it me
or is it Global Cash Flow Network?

I'm not thick, but Global Cash Flow Network seems
either 1 not to understand basic English or 2
cannot handle even the most basic questions!

A little later I will try again with a new ticket
and see if I get anywhere.

Watch this space.

Without much further ado, The Fraidy Cat Marketer

www.myglobaltrainingcenter.com is your training site, as well the difference of the curriculum and the getting certified, is the curriculum tells you what steps are needed to be done next to continue moving forward. To become certified are methods of media placement to teach you how to advertise your sites, which is the 14 step check list. And if you have any more questions contact level 2 support.

Make it a great day!



The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Friday, May 28, 2010

UPDATE: May 26, 2010 Report: Two matters for your attention

Today I got an answer, but not an appropriate

Without further ado, I present:

Hi Andreas,

I have sent a tech request to have your login reset so you can access the training site, and as for the audios they play fine on my computer, just a question do you have a media player downloaded to your computer? But if so it could be if you are using internet explorer which has a lot of holes in their service. When I use internet explorer I have trouble sometimes. So let me know and I will email your login as soon as I get them back.

Make it a great day!

“As a part of our quality assurance, please take a moment to fill out the survey at the bottom of this email.  My manager would love to see your feedback on your experience with me today.”
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow Network!

Make it a great day!!!

P.S.  Many of your questions may now be answered at
Be sure to stay on track with live training with Mary. You can find the link to the Live Training and replays on milestone #2 In Media Placement Guide

Kenneth P.  (Name shortened for privacy)
Level II VIP Advisor @ Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
International: 888-719-2030 or 1-480-355-5612
(deleted for privacy)@globalcashflownetwork.com

"We help people live their dreams by providing the finest education in the world today, teaching entrepreneurship and advanced business skills"
How was your mentor/coach experience
With Kenneth?
Our customers are our most valuable asset and your opinion is very important to us. Your feedback helps us continually improve our products and services.
Please let us know if you have any comments, concerns, and or criticisms you may have about your experience with Global Cash Flow Network.
Please rate your experience with Global Cash Flow Network and type your comments in the fields provided below:
Not Applicable
Customer Service:
Overall Value:
Please Forward e-mail back to:
(deleted for privacy)@globalcashflownetwork.com
Thank You for Your Input



The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Have I Hit A Nerve With GCFN?

About five hours ago I received a reply to my
ticket that I submitted to the Global Cash Flow
Network Help Desk. Have I hit a sensitive nerve
with Mary Gersten's company? We'll wait and see,
shall we?

I'll write again soon.


The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26, 2010 Report: Two matters for your attention.

I felt compelled to write to Support today as I
wanted to get stuck into this course, but the way
the manual and the other parts of the course are
arranged, in my opinion, makes this hard going.
I'll let you read what I sent them and then get
back to you with some further comments.


Two matters for your attention.

http://globalcashflownetwork.com/hold     No arrow
to press to listen to. Is this a system-wide

http://www.myglobaltrainingcenter.com/    Is this
the Certified Media Placement Specialist Guide
link, which I received May 8, 2010?

Thank you,

Andreas Krokene.

Also: I have the "Certified Media Placement
Specialist Curriculum" document. Is this the same
as the "Media Placement Curriculum: getting
Certified" document? If so, your training
materials should reflect this.

Also: I find that the various materials not being
in one linear progression somewhat confusing, and
I feel this is a major mark against this course,
which means that for me to give a testimonial at
the point you suggest is wrong for me. What you
call a testimonial at this point I would prefer to
call a "Dreams and Hopes List" (or something
similar). Testimonials are generally given AFTER a
completed course, not at its beginning.

My impression of this course in the sales
presentation, and the initial banner ad that I
saw, was that I would be able to start quickly.
What I have found so far is a very confused mess
with links being one thing in the training
materials, but forwarded to other sites. For a
total newbie, which I am not, this situation is
very upsetting, and makes me feel that I have been
conned by persuasive sales talk without much

Am I wrong?

I would really like to succeed with this, and the
sales material I saw made me think that this
enterprise would be right up my alley, but now I
am having second thoughts.

If you decide to call me to discuss, please make
it later than 6:30 AM as that is when you called
on April 22, 2010. I am in Western Australia and
my time zone is GMT +8. Not GMT +10, which is the
Eastern part of the country, namely Sydney,
Brisbane and Melbourne.

I would prefer your answer by return email in very
early course.

It took you more time than I feel was necessary to
acknowledge receipt of my faxed documents.

I await your reply.

Andreas Krokene.


Maybe what I wrote to the support team at Global
Cash Flow Network wasn't kind, but for the fee I
paid I expected a better show.

I don't think I would be the only person to find
their course organisation difficult to follow, and
some of my criticisms have been reflected in my
original post, namely,

What do you think? Care to leave a comment?



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Monday, May 24, 2010

I've Started Global Cash Flow Network Training

I must say straight off: The training I find seems to be all over the place. There doesn't seem to be one master list to run through in order to get started, but a number of places, which seem OK for their purpose. I like the approach of start here then do this, follow with that, etc.

For example: I started to read the manual that was shipped to me from the US, but I find I am distracted by all the other sheets of paper which tell me to do a whole lot of other things beforehand. A lot of this stuff seems excessive to me, and is downright confusing.

So I then find myself at the Training with Mary page and watch one of the videos about adding Google Adsense to my blogs, namely this one and The Fraidy Cat Marketer. (Although Mary Gersten only suggested adding Adsense to my Global Cash Flow Network blog, this one, that will be useful in promoting GCFN. But I do this my way simply because I want to maximise my marketing benefit, and I'm still in two minds about this programme. (Plenty of times in the past I've signed people into programmes, but not gotten their contact details. They haven't panned out, so hence, I've lost out. No more!)

(By the way: Marketers often talk about investing and return on investment [ROI]. For my take on investing read Invest or Spend? Let me know what you think of it.)

Even after doing this training tonight, which was good, I've lost my train of thought. Therefore, I will call it quits for the moment and write again, soon.

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

How I Got Started With Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN)

I saw a banner with a testimony from an Australian
lass who sold for various US Fortune 500 companies
placing "media" and that sounded right up my
alley. This led me to Global Cash Flow Network
(GCFN) and their Certified Media Placement
Specialist (CMPS) course.

Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN) uses persuasive
sales copy to get people to join them in their
Certified Media Placement Specialist (CMPS)
course. (I must admit their approach is good

So when on April 22, 2010 they phoned (6:30 AM my
time), I bit. Then I did the research (see a list
of web sites below to check out) and I wished I
hadn't! But that's life. The cost to me was about
$A2,000.00 on my credit card. (And $A2,000.00 is
at the bottom end of their subscription rates!)

They wanted more.

They claim to have a guarantee that will be
honoured after giving Global Cash Flow Network
(GCFN) a good workout over 12 months, but some
criticism suggests that may be otherwise. The
problem is the training involves promoting them,
and if what I've read is correct, I don't wish to
promote them.

After all, on the Internet reputation is
everything, and once reputation is destroyed it's
hard to get back.

So what should I do?

One thing they want their students to do is start
a Blogspot blog, which this is. However, I don't
think this is quite what they had in mind.

You see, I'm not going to rubber stamp everything
they say, but I will ask them questions and post
them here. Their response to this should be

So why am I taking this course of action?

On the face of it (please go through the following
list of links and any other research that you care
to to do) it seems highly likely that this is a

For instance; I came across a complaint that
someone was paying $US47.00 per moonth for the two
web sites they supply, but I had never come across
this charge in the sales presentation. So I sent
an email asking if there was such a charge.

I have an email from their support desk confirming
my ticket to them dated May 9, 2010.

On May 11, 2010 I received the following;

"I have forwarded this concern and you will be
contacted as soon as possible

On May 14, 2010 I received this reply answering my

"Hi Andreas

I am returning your message that you left. I just
wanted to let you know that there is no $47.00
hosting fee. We have done away with this charge."


My problem with this way of answering is this:
Either there is a $47.00 charge or there isn't. So
why couldn't someone answer that after two (2)

One of the things scammers do is delay answering
and use all sorts of delaying tactics to wear
people out and in the case of a refund these
people then give up and the scammer has their
money essentially under false pretenses.

If Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN) is genuine,
then why do this?

Now, in all fairness, I will go through their
training because I would like to be wrong in all
this. If I am wrong, then I will apologise on this

Andreas Krokene

PS: Should I give you my affiliate details? Why not.

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