Monday, May 31, 2010

Will this post cause the sky to fall? The saga continues...

How are you all going today in your restless
pursuit of the good life?

I, for one, am in a good space, although this
matter perplexes me to the nth degree.

On to business...

So now it's been a couple of days since receipt of
Global Cash Flow Network's most recent reply to my
latest ticket, and just now my latest plea has
been raised with Mary Gersten herself (assuming
Support passes this message on.)

So my question must be this: Will the sky fall in?
Does Chicken Little still live? Ah! The mysteries
of an abundant life in the Internet world still

As has been stated before: Great hopes were held
for this opportunity. Hence the purchase of said
opportunity. This person is not in the habit of
buying just to raise a ruckus and demand refunds.
And a reasonable person would probably come to a
similar conclusion, don't you think?

Alas, it may not be so.

Stay tuned...

  Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only

Greetings Mary,

I submitted the ticket "Two matters for your attention" (refer to your records for details) on May 25, 2010, and to date I have NOT received a satisfactory answer.

My questions were easy to understand, the communication was polite, but still no satisfactory response from your staff.

The questions I asked may have been beneath your staff member's dignity to answer, but to me they are important. Don't they, therefore, require a respectful and complete answer?

I now must wonder if this is your Company's usual standard of business, and if this is how you treat ALL your paying clients.

As part of your suggestion in the training that I have completed so far, these details are all being chronicled for anyone who cares to do their due diligence on my Blogger blog.

You can see the blog at

I trust you can assist me.

If not, then please be decent enough to refund all my money.

Kindest regards,

Andreas Krokene.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Further to May 26, 2010 Report: Will it ever end?

Well, today I got another reply, which makes me
ask the question: Does Global Cash Flow Network
read the emails they get from their clients?

I mean, when you read Global Cash Flow Network's
reply (please refresh your memory by reading
previous posts) you will see that my questions are
NOT answered.

Is this any way to treat a paying client? Is it me
or is it Global Cash Flow Network?

I'm not thick, but Global Cash Flow Network seems
either 1 not to understand basic English or 2
cannot handle even the most basic questions!

A little later I will try again with a new ticket
and see if I get anywhere.

Watch this space.

Without much further ado, The Fraidy Cat Marketer
********************************** is your training site, as well the difference of the curriculum and the getting certified, is the curriculum tells you what steps are needed to be done next to continue moving forward. To become certified are methods of media placement to teach you how to advertise your sites, which is the 14 step check list. And if you have any more questions contact level 2 support.

Make it a great day!



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Friday, May 28, 2010

UPDATE: May 26, 2010 Report: Two matters for your attention

Today I got an answer, but not an appropriate

Without further ado, I present:

Hi Andreas,

I have sent a tech request to have your login reset so you can access the training site, and as for the audios they play fine on my computer, just a question do you have a media player downloaded to your computer? But if so it could be if you are using internet explorer which has a lot of holes in their service. When I use internet explorer I have trouble sometimes. So let me know and I will email your login as soon as I get them back.

Make it a great day!

“As a part of our quality assurance, please take a moment to fill out the survey at the bottom of this email.  My manager would love to see your feedback on your experience with me today.”
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow Network!

Make it a great day!!!

P.S.  Many of your questions may now be answered at!
Be sure to stay on track with live training with Mary. You can find the link to the Live Training and replays on milestone #2 In Media Placement Guide

Kenneth P.  (Name shortened for privacy)
Level II VIP Advisor @ Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
International: 888-719-2030 or 1-480-355-5612
(deleted for privacy)

"We help people live their dreams by providing the finest education in the world today, teaching entrepreneurship and advanced business skills"
How was your mentor/coach experience
With Kenneth?
Our customers are our most valuable asset and your opinion is very important to us. Your feedback helps us continually improve our products and services.
Please let us know if you have any comments, concerns, and or criticisms you may have about your experience with Global Cash Flow Network.
Please rate your experience with Global Cash Flow Network and type your comments in the fields provided below:
Not Applicable
Customer Service:
Overall Value:
Please Forward e-mail back to:
(deleted for privacy)
Thank You for Your Input



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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Have I Hit A Nerve With GCFN?

About five hours ago I received a reply to my
ticket that I submitted to the Global Cash Flow
Network Help Desk. Have I hit a sensitive nerve
with Mary Gersten's company? We'll wait and see,
shall we?

I'll write again soon.


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receive consideration for the promotion of a
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non-tangible compensation.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26, 2010 Report: Two matters for your attention.

I felt compelled to write to Support today as I
wanted to get stuck into this course, but the way
the manual and the other parts of the course are
arranged, in my opinion, makes this hard going.
I'll let you read what I sent them and then get
back to you with some further comments.


Two matters for your attention.     No arrow
to press to listen to. Is this a system-wide
problem?    Is this
the Certified Media Placement Specialist Guide
link, which I received May 8, 2010?

Thank you,

Andreas Krokene.

Also: I have the "Certified Media Placement
Specialist Curriculum" document. Is this the same
as the "Media Placement Curriculum: getting
Certified" document? If so, your training
materials should reflect this.

Also: I find that the various materials not being
in one linear progression somewhat confusing, and
I feel this is a major mark against this course,
which means that for me to give a testimonial at
the point you suggest is wrong for me. What you
call a testimonial at this point I would prefer to
call a "Dreams and Hopes List" (or something
similar). Testimonials are generally given AFTER a
completed course, not at its beginning.

My impression of this course in the sales
presentation, and the initial banner ad that I
saw, was that I would be able to start quickly.
What I have found so far is a very confused mess
with links being one thing in the training
materials, but forwarded to other sites. For a
total newbie, which I am not, this situation is
very upsetting, and makes me feel that I have been
conned by persuasive sales talk without much

Am I wrong?

I would really like to succeed with this, and the
sales material I saw made me think that this
enterprise would be right up my alley, but now I
am having second thoughts.

If you decide to call me to discuss, please make
it later than 6:30 AM as that is when you called
on April 22, 2010. I am in Western Australia and
my time zone is GMT +8. Not GMT +10, which is the
Eastern part of the country, namely Sydney,
Brisbane and Melbourne.

I would prefer your answer by return email in very
early course.

It took you more time than I feel was necessary to
acknowledge receipt of my faxed documents.

I await your reply.

Andreas Krokene.


Maybe what I wrote to the support team at Global
Cash Flow Network wasn't kind, but for the fee I
paid I expected a better show.

I don't think I would be the only person to find
their course organisation difficult to follow, and
some of my criticisms have been reflected in my
original post, namely,

What do you think? Care to leave a comment?



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Monday, May 24, 2010

I've Started Global Cash Flow Network Training

I must say straight off: The training I find seems to be all over the place. There doesn't seem to be one master list to run through in order to get started, but a number of places, which seem OK for their purpose. I like the approach of start here then do this, follow with that, etc.

For example: I started to read the manual that was shipped to me from the US, but I find I am distracted by all the other sheets of paper which tell me to do a whole lot of other things beforehand. A lot of this stuff seems excessive to me, and is downright confusing.

So I then find myself at the Training with Mary page and watch one of the videos about adding Google Adsense to my blogs, namely this one and The Fraidy Cat Marketer. (Although Mary Gersten only suggested adding Adsense to my Global Cash Flow Network blog, this one, that will be useful in promoting GCFN. But I do this my way simply because I want to maximise my marketing benefit, and I'm still in two minds about this programme. (Plenty of times in the past I've signed people into programmes, but not gotten their contact details. They haven't panned out, so hence, I've lost out. No more!)

(By the way: Marketers often talk about investing and return on investment [ROI]. For my take on investing read Invest or Spend? Let me know what you think of it.)

Even after doing this training tonight, which was good, I've lost my train of thought. Therefore, I will call it quits for the moment and write again, soon.

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

How I Got Started With Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN)

I saw a banner with a testimony from an Australian
lass who sold for various US Fortune 500 companies
placing "media" and that sounded right up my
alley. This led me to Global Cash Flow Network
(GCFN) and their Certified Media Placement
Specialist (CMPS) course.

Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN) uses persuasive
sales copy to get people to join them in their
Certified Media Placement Specialist (CMPS)
course. (I must admit their approach is good

So when on April 22, 2010 they phoned (6:30 AM my
time), I bit. Then I did the research (see a list
of web sites below to check out) and I wished I
hadn't! But that's life. The cost to me was about
$A2,000.00 on my credit card. (And $A2,000.00 is
at the bottom end of their subscription rates!)

They wanted more.

They claim to have a guarantee that will be
honoured after giving Global Cash Flow Network
(GCFN) a good workout over 12 months, but some
criticism suggests that may be otherwise. The
problem is the training involves promoting them,
and if what I've read is correct, I don't wish to
promote them.

After all, on the Internet reputation is
everything, and once reputation is destroyed it's
hard to get back.

So what should I do?

One thing they want their students to do is start
a Blogspot blog, which this is. However, I don't
think this is quite what they had in mind.

You see, I'm not going to rubber stamp everything
they say, but I will ask them questions and post
them here. Their response to this should be

So why am I taking this course of action?

On the face of it (please go through the following
list of links and any other research that you care
to to do) it seems highly likely that this is a

For instance; I came across a complaint that
someone was paying $US47.00 per moonth for the two
web sites they supply, but I had never come across
this charge in the sales presentation. So I sent
an email asking if there was such a charge.

I have an email from their support desk confirming
my ticket to them dated May 9, 2010.

On May 11, 2010 I received the following;

"I have forwarded this concern and you will be
contacted as soon as possible

On May 14, 2010 I received this reply answering my

"Hi Andreas

I am returning your message that you left. I just
wanted to let you know that there is no $47.00
hosting fee. We have done away with this charge."


My problem with this way of answering is this:
Either there is a $47.00 charge or there isn't. So
why couldn't someone answer that after two (2)

One of the things scammers do is delay answering
and use all sorts of delaying tactics to wear
people out and in the case of a refund these
people then give up and the scammer has their
money essentially under false pretenses.

If Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN) is genuine,
then why do this?

Now, in all fairness, I will go through their
training because I would like to be wrong in all
this. If I am wrong, then I will apologise on this

Andreas Krokene

PS: Should I give you my affiliate details? Why not.
Call Now: 1-800-719-8268 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8268      end_of_the_skype_highlighting x46067
(Outside the United States? Dial 1-480-355-5612 x46067)

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