Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What does this mean CMPShelpdesk.com not renewed?

Well, People, I went to http://cmpshelpdesk.com/
tonight to check on the progress of my latest
ticket, you know, the one where Global Cash Flow
Network promised that my tickets would be given to
Mary Gersten.

And that Mary Gersten of GCFN hasn't contacted me
... YET!

And I just happened to notice that this help desk
domain name expired on June 28, 2010 with

"You mean that they can't even afford $20.00 or
$30.00 for a couple of years registration?" you
ask me.

And I answer you with, "That seems to be the size
of it. Or maybe it just slipped someone's

So, what did I do?

Simple. I put a bid on it and I'll now wait and
see what happens. If I get it there should be a
ton of traffic for me to get to introduce to an
honourable business. What do you think?

I'll keep you posted on this part.
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