Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A mob of mongrels -- Global Cash Flow Network and Mary Gersten

A new ticket has just been submitted, copy below.

I am heartily sick of this mob of mongrels.
What justification could they possibly have for
not answering my easy questions, especially since
Mary Gersten's Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN) is
an Internet training company for newbies?

I see a daily barrage will now be in order.

Even rude and offensive phone calls on my part.

Is that ALL GCFN understands?


Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only -- Reprise
3 -- Not For Staff Attention


I will not go away.

I see Mary's friend Ed Magedson is no longer
online with his

I do not like to be treated so disrespectfully and

This ticket, also, will be placed on my blog

Andreas Krokene


Skye Brodeur
 to me
show details Jun 18 (12 days ago)
You're message will be given to Mary.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
International: 1-888-719-2030
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UHR-438264
Department: General
Priority: Critical
Status: Open

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation. renewed

Is there anymore that needs to be said?

This domain has been renewed.

I guess that means I won't be getting it.

But, still, Mary Gersten has not answered me.

What do you conclude from this?

Here's the email to confirm Mary would get my


Skye Brodeur to me
show details Jun 18 (12 days ago)
You're message will be given to Mary.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UHR-438264
Department: General
Priority: Critical
Status: Open

PS  This ticket is now closed, without an answer.

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What does this mean not renewed?

Well, People, I went to
tonight to check on the progress of my latest
ticket, you know, the one where Global Cash Flow
Network promised that my tickets would be given to
Mary Gersten.

And that Mary Gersten of GCFN hasn't contacted me
... YET!

And I just happened to notice that this help desk
domain name expired on June 28, 2010 with

"You mean that they can't even afford $20.00 or
$30.00 for a couple of years registration?" you
ask me.

And I answer you with, "That seems to be the size
of it. Or maybe it just slipped someone's

So, what did I do?

Simple. I put a bid on it and I'll now wait and
see what happens. If I get it there should be a
ton of traffic for me to get to introduce to an
honourable business. What do you think?

I'll keep you posted on this part.
The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Reprise: Enough Said, sort of!

Four days! And no answer!

What gives?

Search me, because I don't know.

It's really bad when a simple question is asked, a
problem pointed out and a legitimate support query
results in repeated no-answers, which is what this
situation is all about.

In the previous post the information basically was
that my ticket(s) would be given to Mary Gersten
(I think she's the Vice President: I can't
recall!), and yet I would've thought that an early
response to my numerous tickets would've gotten
some sort of Vice Presidential response from
Global Cash Flow Network, don't you think the
same? Hmmmmm? I thought you would agree!

When matters like this aren't answered, especially
on the Internet where stuff stays for years, at
least somewhere, a big bad picture is built up of
the individuals/organisations/companies. People
who come along and do their due diligence will
likely be scared away, hence, it can mean a loss
of business resulting from a bad cumulative
reputation built up over the years.
Well, that's the theory, at least.

I'll keep you posted as matters develop.

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Enough Said

With that said, finally the answer I had been
waiting for.


You're message will be given to Mary.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
International: 1-888-719-2030
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UHR-438264
Department: General
Priority: Critical
Status: Open

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's been 13 days since my last post and I have
not heard back from Mary Gersten or Global Cash
Flow Network (GCFN).

So I logged into my account with them and
discovered that my last ticket has been closed.
And this from a legitimate Internet training
company! The mind boggles.

SO, I have sent Reprise 2; that is the same title,
but where it says Reprise 1 now it reads Reprise

On or about the same day as my last ticket I sent
an email to . Yet as of
writing this post there has been no reply. It
seems that the owner of
is one Ed Magedson, who appears to have a rather
dubious history, and seems to be in hiding. Well,
that's what I've read. So one must wonder about
the value of , mustn't

So, without further ado here's the newly submitted
ticket for your reading amusement.



The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond.

     *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

    *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

    *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.


Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only
-- Reprise 2 -- Not For Staff Attention


You did not even bother to give me a written reply
to my earlier ticket, Reprise 1.

The simple matter is I asked two (2) very simple,
clearly stated questions of almost trivial
importance, and yet I could not get a correct
answer from you, only an irrelevant on.

That's incredible from a legitimate Internet
training company!

So I am forced to re-submit this ticket and get
you to go back through all the previous tickets to
see what I mean.

I will not simply go away.

Mary: Can I leave this in YOUR PERSONAL CAPABLE
HANDS? This is not for your staff.

Andreas Krokene.

**************** My previous ticket.

I do not consider this matter closed. I DEMAND a
written answer. I have paid you good money, and
you can't even answer my simple questions. Go
through ALL my previous tickets for details.


"Make it a great day!" INDEED!

Kenneth Parker DID call me around 6:00 AM, my time
(not impressed) and did not seem to know what I
had written in any previous emails. He did suggest
that I should specify when I would prefer an email
response. I had mentioned it! Do you really care
about your paying clients, or are you really a con
and a scam? I had hoped not, but I'm not so sure

As for your clean bill of health from The Ripoff
Report: That must also be questioned. Your
sponsorship of the Boys and Girls Club of America
doesn't prove anything either as you could be a
"sponsor" for $100.00 or so.

Mary: Will you actually answer this, or will your
minions (if they know what that means!)?


Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZRU-710106 Department: General
Status: Closed Priority: Critical
Created On: 31 May 2010 05:53 AM Last Update: 31
May 2010 07:47 PM
Edit Properties
Status: Priority:
Andreas Krokene
Posted On: 31 May 2010 05:53 AM
Greetings Mary,

I submitted the ticket "Two matters for your
attention" (refer to your records for details) on
May 25, 2010, and to date I have NOT received a
satisfactory answer.

My questions were easy to understand, the
communication was polite, but still no
satisfactory response from your staff.

The questions I asked may have been beneath your
staff member's dignity to answer, but to me they
are important. Don't they, therefore, require a
respectful and complete answer?

I now must wonder if this is your Company's usual
standard of business, and if this is how you treat
ALL your paying clients.

As part of your suggestion in the training that I
have completed so far, these details are all being
chronicled for anyone who cares to do their due
diligence on my Blogger blog.

You can see the blog at

I trust you can assist me.

If not, then please be decent enough to refund all
my money.

Kindest regards,

Andreas Krokene.

Skye Brodeur
Posted On: 31 May 2010 07:47 PM
Your concern has been forwarded and you will
contacted as soon as possible
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only -- Reprise 1 -- Not For Staff Attention

Yes, Dear Reader, that is the title for my latest
ticket to Mary Gersten's Global Cash Flow Network.
I am working on the basis that the squeaky wheel
gets the oil, and being a cracked record gets

And, yes, I am angry. Wouldn't you be if you were
in my situation. $US 1,830.00 + $US 35.95 out of
pocket, and nothing of honourable consequence to
show for it.

What follows is my ticket. Enjoy and Make it a
great day!
I do not consider this matter closed. I DEMAND a written answer. I have paid you good money, and you can't even answer my simple questions. Go through ALL my previous tickets for details.


"Make it a great day!" INDEED!

Kenneth Parker DID call me around 6:00 AM, my time (not impressed) and did not seem to know what I had written in any previous emails. He did suggest that I should specify when I would prefer an email response. I had mentioned it! Do you really care about your paying clients, or are you really a con and a scam? I had hoped not, but I'm not so sure anymore.

As for your clean bill of health from The Ripoff Report: That must also be questioned. Your sponsorship of the Boys and Girls Club of America doesn't prove anything either as you could be a "sponsor" for $100.00 or so.

Mary: Will you actually answer this, or will your minions (if they know what that means!)?


    Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only

Ticket Details
Ticket ID:     ZRU-710106     Department:     General
Status:     Closed     Priority:     Critical
Created On:     31 May 2010 05:53 AM     Last Update:     31 May 2010 07:47 PM
Edit Properties
Status:         Priority:   
Andreas Krokene     
    Posted On: 31 May 2010 05:53 AM
Greetings Mary,

I submitted the ticket "Two matters for your attention" (refer to your records for details) on May 25, 2010, and to date I have NOT received a satisfactory answer.

My questions were easy to understand, the communication was polite, but still no satisfactory response from your staff.

The questions I asked may have been beneath your staff member's dignity to answer, but to me they are important. Don't they, therefore, require a respectful and complete answer?

I now must wonder if this is your Company's usual standard of business, and if this is how you treat ALL your paying clients.

As part of your suggestion in the training that I have completed so far, these details are all being chronicled for anyone who cares to do their due diligence on my Blogger blog.

You can see the blog at

I trust you can assist me.

If not, then please be decent enough to refund all my money.

Kindest regards,

Andreas Krokene.

Skye Brodeur     
    Posted On: 31 May 2010 07:47 PM
Your concern has been forwarded and you will contacted as soon as possible
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!
The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yada, yada yesterday. Yawn today.

Just after 6:00 AM today Global Cash Flow Network
called to answer my latest ticket. Do you remember
it? That's the one sent to Mary Gersten
personally. (There existed a sneaky suspicion that
Mary would not see it and this call seems to
confirm it.)

The person who called said my concerns were not
raised in the ticket (remember this ticket
basically complains about the lack of simple
questions asked but not answered by GCFN Support),
and now he was on the line with me would I ask him
the questions. I said, No, as Jaffa (my cat)
wanted breakfast, coffee (albeit instant) needed
to course its way to my heart so the day could
start, and generally there existed an air of
peevishness at my latest ticket being handled by a
minion, and not by Mary Gersten, personally.

Said minion advised that he would be in the office
for about another hour, to which was expected (by
me) an email to my earlier-asked questions (in
previous tickets). No dice!

He also said if an email response was required
that should be mentioned in the support ticket.
(If he'd re-read the previous tickets , he
would've seen that point covered, and he was the
one who personally DID NOT answer the very simple
questions in the first place!)

Now, Dear Reader, you must remember that GCFN is a
global company; its name is Global Cash Flow
Network. As such, shouldn't there be at least some
representation after their normal business hours
to cater for their international client base? Yes?
No? Maybe? Unsure?

There was such promise for this programme to be a
fantastic opportunity, and yet so far, GCFN is
blowing it. GCFN is failing the acid test of
decency and professionalism, in my opinion.

Of course, it could just be me, couldn't it!


The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yada, yada

Once again I bid you good day.

Once again the following, self-explanatory email
from Global Cash Flow Network Support.

I hope this means it went to Mary Gersten,

Once again: Watch this space!

Your concern has been forwarded and you will contacted as soon as possible
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
International: 1-888-719-2030
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZRU-710106
Department: General
Priority: Critical
Status: Open
The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.