Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ring, ring, doesn't go the bell

Greetings Dear Readers,

Two days after my last post: two days after their
last phone call to me.

No call today.

Did my latest support ticket upset them?

Who knows.

But this is what I wrote.

Bye for now,


08 Oct 2010 04:02 PM
I had expected a phone call from Chris this
morning (my time), but as yet, 7.01 AM Perth,
Western Australia time, no call.

I also noticed you had closed the ticket.

Was that because of my entry of two days ago?

Are you trying to think up a nice argument to
refute my claims?

Put it in the hands of your legal-eagles, maybe?

Don't bother! Just refund my money: $US1869.95.

Andreas Krokene.

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