Wednesday, September 22, 2010

GCFN and my call to them

Well, two calls, actually, in my latest post to
this blog since Friday August 13, 2010.

You see my recorder on the first call stopped
after 14-minutes and 31-seconds, killing the call.
I got another recorder. GCFN killed the call after
about about 22-minutes on the second call. In all,
I was on the phone for about 37-minutes.

I left a voice mail on the second call, followed
by another support (what a misnomer!) ticket. here
is the text of that ticket.

I demand my money back -- MARY GERSTEN PERSONALLY

Posted On: 21 Sep 2010 04:36 PM

I called this morning (my time -- your Tuesday
afternoon) and was forced to leave a voice

I do not expect you will call as you have proven
to be liars: I was promised by Skye Brodeur that
Mary Gersten would call me, but that didn't
happen. Liars.

You DO NOT read support tickets correctly and
answer as required: read what I've said and then
how you've replied.

My time zone is 15-hours ahead of yours, so, IF

You have shown yourself only interested in getting
money out of people and NOT actually giving
support for your over-priced and deceptive
business. READ THE TICKETS and my blog for

Andreas Krokene.


Am I still wasting my time?

Not really, as the way I see it they have ripped
me off with bad support, misread my tickets (if
they even read them well in the first place and
have lied to me. Mary Gersten never called me back
as one staffer said she would.

So even more now I'm determined to get this money
back that they falsely got by, what I consider to
be, misleading advertising. They use very
believable sales talk that I can usually pick up
as man-cow manure.

The ad I responded to really seemed genuine.

They won't fool me like that and get away with it.

I'll keep you posted.


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