Saturday, May 22, 2010

How I Got Started With Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN)

I saw a banner with a testimony from an Australian
lass who sold for various US Fortune 500 companies
placing "media" and that sounded right up my
alley. This led me to Global Cash Flow Network
(GCFN) and their Certified Media Placement
Specialist (CMPS) course.

Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN) uses persuasive
sales copy to get people to join them in their
Certified Media Placement Specialist (CMPS)
course. (I must admit their approach is good

So when on April 22, 2010 they phoned (6:30 AM my
time), I bit. Then I did the research (see a list
of web sites below to check out) and I wished I
hadn't! But that's life. The cost to me was about
$A2,000.00 on my credit card. (And $A2,000.00 is
at the bottom end of their subscription rates!)

They wanted more.

They claim to have a guarantee that will be
honoured after giving Global Cash Flow Network
(GCFN) a good workout over 12 months, but some
criticism suggests that may be otherwise. The
problem is the training involves promoting them,
and if what I've read is correct, I don't wish to
promote them.

After all, on the Internet reputation is
everything, and once reputation is destroyed it's
hard to get back.

So what should I do?

One thing they want their students to do is start
a Blogspot blog, which this is. However, I don't
think this is quite what they had in mind.

You see, I'm not going to rubber stamp everything
they say, but I will ask them questions and post
them here. Their response to this should be

So why am I taking this course of action?

On the face of it (please go through the following
list of links and any other research that you care
to to do) it seems highly likely that this is a

For instance; I came across a complaint that
someone was paying $US47.00 per moonth for the two
web sites they supply, but I had never come across
this charge in the sales presentation. So I sent
an email asking if there was such a charge.

I have an email from their support desk confirming
my ticket to them dated May 9, 2010.

On May 11, 2010 I received the following;

"I have forwarded this concern and you will be
contacted as soon as possible

On May 14, 2010 I received this reply answering my

"Hi Andreas

I am returning your message that you left. I just
wanted to let you know that there is no $47.00
hosting fee. We have done away with this charge."


My problem with this way of answering is this:
Either there is a $47.00 charge or there isn't. So
why couldn't someone answer that after two (2)

One of the things scammers do is delay answering
and use all sorts of delaying tactics to wear
people out and in the case of a refund these
people then give up and the scammer has their
money essentially under false pretenses.

If Global Cash Flow Network (GCFN) is genuine,
then why do this?

Now, in all fairness, I will go through their
training because I would like to be wrong in all
this. If I am wrong, then I will apologise on this

Andreas Krokene

PS: Should I give you my affiliate details? Why not.
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(Outside the United States? Dial 1-480-355-5612 x46067)

The blogger attached to this link may or may not receive consideration for the promotion of a product or service. Consideration may be cash, discounts, merchandise, services or other non-tangible compensation.

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