Monday, May 31, 2010

Will this post cause the sky to fall? The saga continues...

How are you all going today in your restless
pursuit of the good life?

I, for one, am in a good space, although this
matter perplexes me to the nth degree.

On to business...

So now it's been a couple of days since receipt of
Global Cash Flow Network's most recent reply to my
latest ticket, and just now my latest plea has
been raised with Mary Gersten herself (assuming
Support passes this message on.)

So my question must be this: Will the sky fall in?
Does Chicken Little still live? Ah! The mysteries
of an abundant life in the Internet world still

As has been stated before: Great hopes were held
for this opportunity. Hence the purchase of said
opportunity. This person is not in the habit of
buying just to raise a ruckus and demand refunds.
And a reasonable person would probably come to a
similar conclusion, don't you think?

Alas, it may not be so.

Stay tuned...

  Strictly Personal For Mary Gersten Only

Greetings Mary,

I submitted the ticket "Two matters for your attention" (refer to your records for details) on May 25, 2010, and to date I have NOT received a satisfactory answer.

My questions were easy to understand, the communication was polite, but still no satisfactory response from your staff.

The questions I asked may have been beneath your staff member's dignity to answer, but to me they are important. Don't they, therefore, require a respectful and complete answer?

I now must wonder if this is your Company's usual standard of business, and if this is how you treat ALL your paying clients.

As part of your suggestion in the training that I have completed so far, these details are all being chronicled for anyone who cares to do their due diligence on my Blogger blog.

You can see the blog at

I trust you can assist me.

If not, then please be decent enough to refund all my money.

Kindest regards,

Andreas Krokene.

The blogger attached to this link may or may not receive consideration for the promotion of a product or service. Consideration may be cash, discounts, merchandise, services or other non-tangible compensation.

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