Thursday, May 27, 2010

Have I Hit A Nerve With GCFN?

About five hours ago I received a reply to my
ticket that I submitted to the Global Cash Flow
Network Help Desk. Have I hit a sensitive nerve
with Mary Gersten's company? We'll wait and see,
shall we?

I'll write again soon.


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Ted Mauro said...

I had a run in with the company a few years back. They get you to pay for a big advertising package with traffic that does not convert on their landing pages. I did get most of my money back. It was not easy. Several heated phone calls.

Andreas Krokene aka The Fraidy Cat Marketer said...

Greetings Ted.

Thanks for your comment.

I think I will have a similar experience, and yet there is no need for them to have this attitude. The Internet is big enough for all players.

But I suppose greed knows no bounds, Eh!

I must contact them again about their latest reply to a few simple questions I asked. Those questions still remain unanswered.

I will point them to this blog and see what happens.

Thanks again.

Stay tuned.