Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ring, ring, doesn't go the bell

Greetings Dear Readers,

Two days after my last post: two days after their
last phone call to me.

No call today.

Did my latest support ticket upset them?

Who knows.

But this is what I wrote.

Bye for now,


08 Oct 2010 04:02 PM
I had expected a phone call from Chris this
morning (my time), but as yet, 7.01 AM Perth,
Western Australia time, no call.

I also noticed you had closed the ticket.

Was that because of my entry of two days ago?

Are you trying to think up a nice argument to
refute my claims?

Put it in the hands of your legal-eagles, maybe?

Don't bother! Just refund my money: $US1869.95.

Andreas Krokene.

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Global Cash Flow Network tedium continues

Before we go any further with this post, an update
from yesterdays debacle.

Here are the further support correspondences.
Enjoy the read.

05 Oct 2010 10:35 AM
We apologize. This was for another account.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

05 Oct 2010 10:36 AM
Please contact our support department at
1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting  
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!


As requested in the second message I called them
and was told someone with slightly higher
seniority would call me the following morning.

Great, I thought, Finally movement on a much
deserved refund from these sharks.

Not so fast, sonny-boy. Read on for details.

Global Cash Flow Network's Chris did call me this
morning (as arranged) in sunny and slightly cool
suburban Perth, Western Australia.

To be blunt, I was not impressed with the call as
it did not address the matter of a refund, which
is what I understood the call would be about. No
refund was mentioned, but Chris said he would
review the recorded signup process to see what was
agreed to by all parties, and get back to me in a
couple of days.

Not a good sign. I read this as a delaying tactic,
something used by dishonest businesses, and not
honourable ones. Honourable businesses do exist
you may be surprised to hear: But that's another
story for another time.

Anyway, read what I just fired off to them and
decide for yourself if I'm barking up the wrong
tree or not. Back shortly!


06 Oct 2010 08:12 PM
After Chris (McDonald?) phoned me this morning (my
time) I started thinking about what he had said
and realised he had also totally ignored what I
had written in my previous support tickets. For
someone who was calling to discuss my refund, this
was totally unacceptable. Didn't the previous
"support" staffer advise the details of my
complaint? Shouldn't Chris have read my tickets to
appraise himself of the situation? Or was this
call just part of the delaying technique that
dishonest companies use? By using this tactic
Global Cash Flow Network and Mary Gersten show
themselves both personally and professionally of
being untrustworthy, and not deserving to be in
business in an honest society.

Hence, whatever Chris replies with in regard to my
joining on April 21, 2010 will be totally
irrelevant as Global Cash Flow Network and its
support staff have disregarded what I have written
in my support tickets after the initial ones, and
therefore Global Cash Flow Network and Mary
Gersten have reneged on our agreement to support
me in this programme.

Chris also mentioned that to be eligible for a
refund after 12-months I would need to prove that
I had submitted ads in 12 different formats
(one/month), which detail I cannot recall as ever
having been made clear. But even if I did agree to
this condition, this is still irrelevant as GCFN
and Mary Gersten did not provide proper support in
the Certified Media Placement Specialist (CMPS)
training. Again, READ THE SUPPORT TICKETS! And
read your replies; all of them!

Going on your past non-performance in reading my
support tickets correctly, and the fact that Mary
Gersten personally has still not called me
(although such call was promised via Skye Brodeur
- again read the support tickets!), I very much
doubt any one in GCFN support will read to this
point, either. Or Mary Gersten, too for that

Decent people engaging in honest business do not
treat their paying clients so shabbily as Global
Cash Flow Network has treated me. You absolutely
disgust me. You are nothing but thieves and liars.
All of you. Sharks swim with sharks.

I won't wish you a good day, as that would be
hypocritical of me.

Andreas Krokene.


What do you think?

Am I right or wrong?

I don't enjoy this method of doing business
anywhere, but crooks make this necessary.

I would much rather be in a conciliatory
situation, but sharks and crooks don't act in a
conciliatory manner.
Until the next phase, bye for now.


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

$14,300 or $1,430: What's in a zero? Or is the reply even for me?

Could this saga be nearly at an end?

Has the fat lady sung?

A number of phone calls have been made recently; a
number of support tickets submitted. But I'm not
sure if they've given me the right response.

If it is then it will be a matter of Party! Party!

But I don't think so!

I think Global Cash Flow Network's staffer put one
(1) too many 0's in the response.

What's your take?

Here goes: Have a read and a chuckle, or a cry.
The reply may not have been for me! Boo-hoo.

04 Oct 2010 07:53 AM

It's obvious you do not respect your clients and
are not prepared tot talk to them when they call.
Hence, I will call again in a few hours time.

This advance notice will give you ample time to
read everything that I've written.

Andreas Krokene.

04 Oct 2010 10:11 AM
This has been assigned to an agent and you will be
contacted as soon as possible.
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

04 Oct 2010 12:51 PM
The refund was processed on 08/09/10 in the amount
of $14,300 which is the amount that you agreed too
with our quality agent on 08/04/10. This matter is
Level II Customer Support
Global Cash Flow Network
Toll Free: 1-800-719-8270
1-800-719-8270      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
International: 1-888-719-2030
1-888-719-2030      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Thank you for contacting Global Cash Flow
Network’s Support Department.
If you have any further questions or concerns,
please be sure to give us a call.
Make it a great day!

04 Oct 2010 03:16 PM
"The refund was processed on 08/09/10 in the
amount of $14,300 which is the amount that you
agreed too with our quality agent on 08/04/10.
This matter is closed.

Is this some sort of joke?

I received no such offer and agreement at any

Or have you confused me with someone else?

What games are you playing with me?

Andreas Krokene.


I'd hate to think this was another attempt at
fooling me, if such is the case.

I'll keep you posted.

Bye for now,


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